NEURO-PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING DIFFERENCEs Featuring Presentations from Dr. Rachna Varia, Co-Founder of Mindwell Associates, Jennifer Appleton, CALT-QI and Jennifer Cofone, CALT-QI in trainingThis hybrid onsite and online course offers full, up-to-the-minute research findings in the brain functions underlying learning, with emphasis on language-learning. Participants will learn about the history of psychology, brain structure, brain development, and neurological anomalies that produce learning differences. The course will discuss how to use different intervention strategies based on a better understanding of how neurological conditions affect learning. Specifically, participants will learn how to respond to behaviors and create more effective learning environments both in a one-to-one teaching environment as well as in the classroom. Participants will also learn how to read and analyze neuro-psychological testing to design the most effective learning interventions. This class is ideal for all teachers, academic therapists, tutors and parents who wish to better understand the neurological strengths and weaknesses of their learners. Required Reading:
Class Schedule: Class 1: Welcome and Overview
Class 2: Neuropsychological Testing Fundamentals
Class 3: Advanced Neuropsychological Testing
Class 4: Independent Study and Application
Class 5: Book Study
Class 6: JUST ADDED: ASDEC presents Dr. Varblow will discuss the intricate relationship between dyslexia and ADHD which frequently co-occur but can also mimic or mask each other, making diagnosis challenging. The presentation underscores the importance of understanding the distinct characteristics of both dyslexia and ADHD so that clinicians and academic therapists may learn to differentiate them. By doing so, clinicians may tailor appropriate treatment plans that address the unique needs of students with Dyslexia and ADHD.
Class 7: Presentation of Class Research
DATE: September 19 to December 12, 2024 AS OF 8/10/24 SPACE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR THE ONSITE PRESNTATION WITH DR. VARIA, THE SESSIONS WILL BE LIVE-STREAMED AND RECORDED. COST: $975 Graduate Credit available from Trinity University Washington for an additional fee. Contact us at for information |
REFUND POLICY | Courses: 50% if withdrawal is at least ten working days before the start of class. No refunds are available less than 10 days prior to the start of class. If a course is sold out, ASDEC will not refund payment at any time. For more payment details please go to: |